Extra-Curricular Activities
The school offers a range of extra-curricular activities at lunchtimes and after school, some of which change according to the interests of staff and students.
Students can visit the Nigel Davies Wing and the Library or use the ICT facilities at lunchtime or after school, by arrangement with staff
There is a huge range of visits and experiences on offer for students during their time at Fairfield, from outside speakers on a variety of topics, to field trips, theatre and sports trips and residential visits. Activities in school can include Careers-based learning, Team building, Sports Leadership, STEM workshops and many more.
Extra-curricular activities
- Art club
- Athletics club
- Badminton club
- Booster classes for GCSE
- Chess club
- Choir
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Football/rugby/cricket practice
- Futsal
- Hockey/netball practice
- Lego club
- Orchestra
- Photography club
- Public speaking club
- School Council
- Sports Leaders
- Student Librarians
- Study Hour
- Table tennis
- Warhammer Club
Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme
The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme offers the opportunity for students to engage in a wide range of activities that support independence, team work and skills that can be used in all aspects of life.
Students will work through the sections of the award – Volunteering, Physical and Skill before working towards and successfully completing their expedition section.
The scheme is designed to encourage independent learning and students will be expected to complete their volunteering, physical and skill outside of school hours.
Students will have the chance to work on community projects and gain vocational certificates such as first aid and food hygiene